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We here at heaven on earth have decided that Alcoholics Anonymous is a downright disgrace. How can a manufactured company have the right to take away lifes one great pleasure, Alcohol. I'm sure you all agree and so we ask for your help. Join the campaign and help destroy Alcoholics Anonymous by signing the guestbook, you can help save a life, a T-Totals.
Look at Shepherd on the left. This is what this organisation is doing to all the potential alcoholics in the world, getting them off of alcohol and on to coffee or soft drinks. What is the world coming to. Now you've seen the evidence of the ruin this company is doing to not just Shepherd but thousands maybe even millions of people a year. We have managed to help Shepherd become a more regular drinker but there is still work to be done before he is drinking enough alcohol for our liking and for him, to lead a better life. Help us stop this HELL happening to other people and join the ANTI-ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS campaign NOW by signing the guestbook.
Say no to alcoholics anonymous, just like the guy on the left, our hero. This balding man is John's dad and his name is HENRY!!! All of our Dad's are alcoholics but Henry takes the biscuit. He is..Simply the best! Follow in his footsteps now by saying no to alcoholics anonymous and you too could end up a steamer with a gorgeous wife, daughter, and an alcohlic son. What a wonderful life to lead.
Dont take away peoples loved ones.
Without alcohol we wouldnt be inspired to drink like great heros like george best and tony adams so to have an organisation to stop people from drinking would mean we wont be able to find the next true alcoholic.Remember alcohol has been helping ugly people have sex since 1862!.