APRIL 18th FRIDAY, Venue: Brian's House
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Brian's House
As the night went on and the dark and cold set in the AAA's night got better and better as they got to new levels of drunkeness.

Andy looks at his can in disgust after drinking a drop of his Tennents which was, god help him, WARM! Luckily enough he had cans nestling in the fridge which he drank while he cooled down his open Tennents in the fridge.
A Long Lost Brother
Andy looks on in awe as Keane shouts out his admiration for some stranger staggering down the street pissed. We must admit though that he wasn't as pissed as us, after all, not many people are.
Smell the Glove...Amongst other things
Andy was walking down Brians path until a familar scent met his nose which he knows all too well.He turned his head and saw Brians mother's underwear hanging from the close line.He had to get a picture of him with a beer next to them.
Keane just found out that Andy was trying to woo his can of Carslberg into his liver.So Keane reacted like any other civilised human being would...booting him in the balls.
An upset Andy decides to risk his own life to get his Beers back. Brian locked the AAA out his house thinking it was funny. But when Andy finished a Beer and needed another but Brian wouldn't let him in, the joke went too far. So Andy decided to climb the drainpipe and in through one of Brian's windows to save his innocent children.
Keane had spilt his last drop of beer on brians fence and in desprate need of more beer he licked brians fence completly dry!
Willie passes out against Brians wall with a gorgeous bottle of Beer in his hand. However, as hard as we tried to take his Beer from his hand, he held on so tight it was impossible.